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Where can we find Aryans today?

In Germany? In Iran? or in india?
They are blond or brunet?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: All of the above...

"Aryan (/鑋𐲪陮/) is an English language word derived from the Sanskrit and Iranian terms 䁲ya-, the extended form ary䁮a-, ari- and/or arya- (Sanskrit: आर्य, Persian: 𘢘𑛌𘧩. Beyond its use as the ethnic self-designation of the Proto-Indo-Iranians, the meaning "noble/spiritual one" has been attached to it in Sanskrit and Persian. In linguistics, it is sometimes still used in reference to the Indo-Iranian language family, but it is primarily restricted to the compound Indo-Aryan, the Indic subgroup of the Indo-Iranian branch."

"The Aryan race was a term used in the early 20th century by European racial theorists who believed strongly in the division of humanity into biologically distinct races with differing characteristics. Such writers believed that the Proto-Indo-Europeans constituted a specific race that had expanded across Europe, Iran and India. This meaning was, and still is, common in theories of racial superiority which were embraced by Nazi Germany. This usage tends to merge the Sanskrit meaning of "noble" or "elevated" with the idea of distinctive behavioral and ancestral ethnicity marked by language distribution. In this interpretation, the Aryan Race is both the highest representative of mankind and the purest descendent of the Proto-Indo-European population"

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