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Position:Home>Genealogy> Stephanie Noel Stclair born dec.26,1979 to noel E. and Linda B. Har


Stephanie Noel Stclair born dec.26,1979 to noel E. and Linda B. Harbison?

Stephanie was born in farmington,mo in St.Francois county

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am sure people would like to help you... but your question is unclear. Are you trying to find where Stephanie is today? At age 26, I'd assume that she is married and has a different name. It could help to try locating the parents, and if they are comfortable doing so, they may tell you where she is.
Or.. are you looking for her genealogy? It seems that you have the names of the parents. The only issue in genealogy re living persons, are that most official records are restricted, to protect privacy rights. Too much identity theft going on out there... this is a valid concern.