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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know a Rosa Shuk?


Does anyone know a Rosa Shuk?

I believe she lives near Kansas, but I do not know. She is somehow related to me (I can't remember, I think she my third cousin or something). Or if you know a Seiwert of Hardee anywhere. That would be helpful

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Emma,

When Rosa Shuk is put into the ZABASEARCH engine, 14 results come up, but none are Rosa. And if it uses Kansas as the state, none come up. Some of the pay sites say they have information on Rosa, but the surname goes to Shukik. You should try your own search for these people using the People finder engines below. Sometimes these work, sometimes they give you too many results, and sometimes they point you to a pay site.

If you gave better name information on Seiwert and location and age, living or dead - it would make finding them easier.

There are 99 entries for Shuk in the LDS Family Search site, but no Rosa.