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Husband has a interview?

He is 51 and applied for a reserve poice job. It does not pay but heard it could lead to getting into the police work. Since they called and made a appointment does that sound like they are interested in him? and what should he wear for this

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: All I can do is offer you my perspective but I do have some experience at this. I have reviewed at least 500 resumes and was involved in the interview process for 30 to 35 jobs.

First, if he had an interview with me it would mean that his resume hadn't disqualify him and he was one of 4 or 5 who seemed to be the most qualified. I don't tend to waste time interviewing people who don't meet the minimum requirements for the job.

Second, I normally recommend people dress for the job when they go for an interview. Since he is looking into police work the work uniform is a bad idea. Go with shined shoes, slacks, shirt, tie and jacket. Not a suit, just a sport jacket. And if I was him I would make sure it was a clip on tie. I have told more than one person that a clip on is safer and you never know. I did some odd things when interviewing, just to judge a candidates reaction.

Third, enthusiasm during an interview always went a long way with me. I prefer someone who wants the job first and foremost. The pay check is secondary. Since it is a volunteer position he has already made it clear what he wants. Just tell him to remain upbeat and do as much as he can to, at least appear, he is enjoying the interview. Stay relaxed, sit up straight, speak clearly, no pocket bulges, fresh breath and be honest.

Honestly, at 51 if they are interviewing him at all I would say they are very interested but don't tell him that. Let him go to the interview with a bit of apprehension.

Good Luck to both of you.