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Position:Home>Genealogy> Any one know the origins and meaning of the surname Sillett?


Any one know the origins and meaning of the surname Sillett?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: From Surname DB: this is an English surname.

Recorded as Sill, Sille, the diminutives Sillet, Sillett, Sillitt, Sylett, Syliot, the patronymics Sills and Sillson, and the job descriptive Siller and Syler. Also, a form of the French Silvester.

A fast check at Ancestry doesn't show Sillett in the USA census, but there are several hundred in the UK censuses. Immigration indexes do show most Sillett from England and Ireland.

As always, this information is only a guide. The only way to be certain about your family is to do the research.