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Position:Home>Genealogy> What does k㶺vit㩺, fm. , helv. and vall. mean in Hungarian?


What does k㶺vit㩺, fm. , helv. and vall. mean in Hungarian?

I've tried to translate all these terms on the net and on the geneology research word datatbase with no luck. Again I am doing ancestral research... Thank you to all that replied to my last inquiry!!! very kind and helful of you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: k㶺vit㩺: regular soldier
fm.: (probably) f㶬dmives, i.e. farmer, farm laborer
helv.: helv㩴 - literally, Swiss, but in this context probably refers to the Hungarian Reformed Church (which is a type of Calvinism)
vall.: vall㡳 = religion, denomination (literally, "that which is confessed")

(Note for the future: full context is *always* helpful. For instance, do helv. and vall. occur right after each other, or separately? If the former, then the above definitions work; if the latter, then we might have to look further afield for possible explanations.)