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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are there any genealogy sites specifically devoted to determining if any of your


Are there any genealogy sites specifically devoted to determining if any of your ancestors were burned...? witches?

(Apologies for putting this in Mythology, but the Religion questions disappear off the page so fast!)

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5 months ago
Edit: Yes, I know this isn't Mythology. I copied and pasted to hedge bets on an answer and I forgot the edit. I feel sheepish. ;)

5 months ago
Gee, thanks, KCBA. You got 2 points for telling me something I already knew and didn't help me one bit.

Sorry that I didn't spend five days fine-tuning my question rather than jotting it off and running to class.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
Edit: Yes, I know this isn't Mythology. I copied and pasted to hedge bets on an answer and I forgot the edit. I feel sheepish. ;)