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Position:Home>Genealogy> Martha McCutcheon buried Oakland Cemetary 8 Oct. 1927 file#022820. How find?


Martha McCutcheon buried Oakland Cemetary 8 Oct. 1927 file#022820. How find?

Martha McCutcheon was my aunt. I would like her death certificate. She was buried Oct. 8, 1927 at the Oakland Cemetary file # 022820. How do I view the information? and send for the death certificate? Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are a couple of variables. The first is that just because someone is buried in a given county doesn't mean they died there, though it is usual. Call the County Clerk for the county where she's buried and ask if they have the death certificate. If yes, then ask if they provide reduced cost "genealogy copies" of the death certificate, as opposed to a certified copy. The difference in cost is up to $15-20 depending on the county. It's the same copy, just without the county seal.

If she didn't die in that county, then call the cemetary and find out if they have info on her death. It's common, for instance, that someone died in an auto accident, train accident, or boating accident while on vacation and the body was returned home for burial. It's also common that a person may die at a specialty hospital in another county and will be returned for burial. When that happens, it's in the obituary or in a newspaper story about her death. It should also be noted in the cemetary records that the death certificate is in ______ County, __(state)__.

The other option is to call the funeral homes in the area if you can't find a death certificate. Whomever handled her burial would have a record of where she died.