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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do i find out where i was christened?


How do i find out where i was christened?

I have no parents or family to ask. it was in Surrey or Middlesex. I need a copy of cirtificate to get married later this year.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Everyone in my family has details of their baptism written on the back of their birth certificate and signed by the priest. But that might just be a Catholic thing.

You don't say what denomination you are. If you're C of E here is a site with contact details. I'm sure someone there will try to advise you.

Worst case scenario - if you can't prove you've been baptised, you may have to get baptised before the wedding. No big deal!

EDIT: I have been in touch with the wife of a C of E vicar. She says:

"In the Church of England it isn't a legal requirement to have been baptised or have a certificate of it. It is simply enough that you live in the parish you are marrying in, or be on the electoral register of the church.

To find where you may have been baptised is harder; there isn't a central register. The best way would be if you know where you were born and contact churches round the area till you find one that has you on the records."