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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is guinevere turner's ethnicity or heritage?


What is guinevere turner's ethnicity or heritage?

Her name sounds irish but can anyone please tell me for sure...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: While the surname Turner is indeed Scottish it is important to remember that that is not her entire heritage. In order to get an accurate read on her heritage would require research of her ancestors. For example, Ms Turners father might have only been an eighth scottish himself and he might have married a woman who was a full blooded Dutch lady in which case their offspring would be half Dutch but only a sixteenth Scottish. I'm not saying that this is the case, I am using this example to illustrate that someone can carry a name but have more blood of another ethnicity.

I would have just let it go with the previous person saying Scottish, but it sounds like you wanted to know for sure her heritage which likely would require more research to get an accurate answer unless you can find a completed tree somewhere.