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Position:Home>Genealogy> My mom is franco-cameroonian and my dad is East Indian.Which ethnicity do i belo


My mom is franco-cameroonian and my dad is East Indian.Which ethnicity do i belong to?Mulatto?

My mom's dad is french and her mom is cameroonian.And my dad's parents are both indian.I hold an Indian passport.But i show more traits of a cameroonian than my mom even does.Complicating,huh?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mixed, I would say. "Mulatto" has a general definition and a specific one. In the days when race mattered to the legal system - Free Negroes could not vote or serve as officers in the Army, in the USA, for instance - they had to define how much Negro blood counted. So,
Mulatto = 1/2 Negro
Quadroon = 1/4
Octroon = 1/8

"Mulatto" came to mean anyone of mixed Negro and White blood because a lot of people were not good with fractions, and the question of someone with 3 Negro great-grandparents and 5 White ones would throw them into a tizzy.