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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anybody know anything about Knutsford Gaol in the 1800s My Grandfather was


Does anybody know anything about Knutsford Gaol in the 1800s My Grandfather was the govenor( Warburton)?

I do not know His first names but my father was Harry Vernon Warburton if any body can help i would be very pleased thankyou V, Warburton

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Knutsford Gaol, or House of Correction as it was called, stood on the site behind the Court House. The area is now used as a Bus Station and car park. It was built in 1617 as an additional County Gaol to the one at Chester which had become overcrowded as a result of the sudden increase in petty crime after the Napoleonic Wars.

Also try the Knutsford Historical Society. Secretary Mrs K. Goodchild, 60 Glebelands Rd, Knutsford
(01565 633917)
They should have all the info and more :)