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Where can view Texas death records for free?

More specifically in the Corpus Christi area? Thanks for your help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You need to realize the difference between an index to Texas deaths, and the actual records themselves. has a couple of things under "searches". One is a Texas index that covers from the mid 60's to more recent. You can also tweak the social security death index with advanced search. You can set it to look for all persons of a surname who died in that county; or leave the name blank, and pull up all persons. For the most part, the two indexes should match, but reality wise, they probably won't. It all depends on the date you need.
There was an independent site that had the indexes from 1903 to 1950's, but it changed format and I haven't been able to use it.
I am not aware of anywhere online that you can look at the actual death records themselves. For the Corpus Christi area, you MIGHT be able to search them in person at the county courthouse, although I am skeptical on that.
Certificates are on microfilm at the Dallas library.
Feel free to email me at if I can help further.