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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is it weird, anybody have something like this.. please read.?


Is it weird, anybody have something like this.. please read.?

sorry about my spelling. don't ask me how i know all this I was extremely bored when i thought of it . Is this neat or is it weird or what and does anyone else have something like this

my birthday is August 11
my dads Feb.11
my dogs is-june 11 lol lol
my dads dad is-june 11
my brothers is feb 22-11 days after my dads
my sisters is july 29- 2+9=11
(these are farfetched but i thought they were cool to)
my aunt who married my dads brother is september-11
my dads sisters birthday is in November the 11th month
my dads brothers birthday is november 29
nov. is 11 th month and 2+9+11
my moms is march 17.. 3(march)+1+7=11

TA DA, coincedence?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My husbands birthday is 8/26/71. August is the 8th month, 2+6=8, and 7+1 (as in 71)= 8


Pretty cool, huh!! However, yours is way cooler because there are so MANY 11's!!!