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How to register/enroll as a native american?

I am looking for information on how to register/enroll as a native american. I am Seminole Indian on my fathers side. I have no idea if any of my family is registered. So if anyone could help me or at least point me in the right direction I would be very happy! Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My great grandmother was 1/8th chickasaw and blackfoot. I think in order to register you have to have documents of your lineage- usually a picture of a great grandfather or something dressed in tradtional clothing- which I think is racist lol. I mean, it's like saying you're only Native American if you dress that way, like once you change into jeans you're not Native American anymore and must register to prove you other race has to register their origingor show pictures of Germans in lederhosen or men in dashikis.

/end rant