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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can you show me your Genealogy line in your relation to Pocahontas?


Can you show me your Genealogy line in your relation to Pocahontas?

I'm interested in seeing some Genealogy lines to Pocahontas I'd put mine down, but I want to see yours first. It's easy to do if you are related to Pocohontas you will know how to put it in your answer. use the 1. you
2. your grandparents
3. your great grandparents
method and go back. Then if you give me your e-mail address I will get back with you on comparasion and questions.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am not descended from Pocahontas, but my family has very close ties to her that we are trying to prove. We were in Jamestown. I will get in touch with you, I hope, or you go to my site. I know that we are tied to her historically some way, but I do not know how.