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Position:Home>Genealogy> If someone has a hyphenated last name, is it legal to use only one of the last n


If someone has a hyphenated last name, is it legal to use only one of the last names?

I would like to know if the 2nd name in the hyphenated name could be used by itself? example... Jane Smith-Jones could use only Jane Jones?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can use any name you want as long as it is not done for fraudulent purpoes. You can call your self baby jane jones for all anyone cares.

But if you want to be legal, you can file documents at the country clerk's office,pay a fee and they will legally change it for you, if you find that necessary.

I was married in 1960 and have used my maiden name all of my life. Because I really hated my husband's last name. There is no law saying you must take your husband's name.

So why hyphenate it.
that is so 19th century