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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for info on my Welsh family in Illinois. My grandfathers name was Thomas


Looking for info on my Welsh family in Illinois. My grandfathers name was Thomas Roy Ralph Griffith?

My grandfather was disowned by his family (actually his father was disowned) because he married a black woman. My grandfathers name was Thomas Roy Ralph Griffith, and he was born in Champaign Ill. He died in the 1950's of kidney/liver cancer, to my understanding he was only 25 years old. He was born to a Welsh father and black/cherokee mother. he had brothers and sisters out of Ill. but all are deceased. any information would be helpfull, I am trying to build my family tree, and have run into road blocks because my Griffith family disowned us because of our race.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The name Thomas Griffith is too common and your dates too vague for me to look him up in the census with any accuracy. Can you give me his parents or sibling's names?

The only thing I found that could be him is a index to a cemetery reading:

Cemetery Records of Champaign County, Illinois, vol 9: Mount Hope Cemetery, Champaign -- west half (1961); page 204 includes GRIFFITH, THOMAS ROY