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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can i find acronyms for names (felicidad)?


Where can i find acronyms for names (felicidad)?

I once browsed it but i forgot the URL. You just input your first name and whalla, it gives you what you are looking for. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Acronyms are words made up of the first letter of a phrase. URL, for instance, is the acronym for U-niversal R-esource L-ocator. NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The acronym for Felicidad would be "F", which isn't much help for anyone. You need at least three words for a good acronym.

I suspect you didn't mean acronym. What do you mean?

"Voila" is French for "Observe!" It is pronounced "Wall-ah".