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Position:Home>Genealogy> Find out statistics on theresa mazzei from pittsburgh,pa?


Find out statistics on theresa mazzei from pittsburgh,pa?

marriage certificate for theresa mazzei and oscar williams from year 1939or 1940

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you know if Theresa is still living?

If not, go to the Social Security Death index at

Put in her name. If she is deceased, she will be in a list that will show the date of death, year of birth, and place where the last SS check was sent.

Next go to
This is US Gen Web's Pennsylvania page. Look for information there for obtaining birth, marriage, and death certificates. Click on the county links for Pittsburgh and surrounding area. Look there for more information on the Mazzei family, or post a query on their message board.

Finally, go to your library and get connected with Heritage Quest. It is an online source that has US Census data. You can put in "Mazzei" into the search engine and find Theresa on the censuses from 1930 back.

Hope this helps.