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Position:Home>Genealogy> I want to find old relatives records in another county can i do that on line?


I want to find old relatives records in another county can i do that on line?

or do i have to go there and do it to find the records

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends on what type of records you are looking for and what county you are looking in. Some counties have more info than others. You might want to also check with the local genealogical society. Many genealogical societies keep files on surnames that are being researched in their county along with the people that are researching the names. Some other sources are the cemeteries. Some cemeteries keep really great records. In fact, there is a cemetery in Ohio that my gr gr grandmother is buried in, that was able to even provide me with obituaries (which by the way is a great source of information as well.)

As far as researching online try looking on the respective county board on Genforum.

You can post queries on the respective surname board, the county board, and the state board. You can also post on the respective boards at Rootsweb.

You can also try

You can go to the state pages and see their resources as well as the individual counties. There are also free death indexes for some states on line. Try this link too.... maybe you will find some help there.

I hope these links help in your search. If you have any questions on them, feel free to drop me a line. Take care.