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Who am I? Why must all be here?

It will be in poem, Tell what you think I am. I dont, this is who i thought and wha tdo you think I am, I dont understand or know my self.

The life here i seek to far
here is now but how to star
the life here i cant know
no one seek but seek itself

who see my soul
who see my through
how to know my soul so pure
is it really so pure to me

i know not my self
a secret shall not be heard
i seek one of my to see
i know nothing of me

who keeps me from falling
no one knows who to fall
i know not my self
nor i can see through my self

nor i see my soul of pure
nor seek of what i to be
seek nor be me
who am i to live here

Tell me... PLEASE

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the poem is good for not knowing who you are., over time you will come to know your [basic quality's], and like the Buddhist and Hindus teach .

be the observer.

observe your self, study your self ,like you would study a interesting plant.

we cant tell you ,who you are , we can only tell you , how we, found out who we are.

you are like the onion , you keep pealing back each layer until you come to your core, and that's who you are, the primordial core of your being....their are deeper levels...but that is enough for this question