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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know how i can a person whose name at birth was Sheri K. Long?


Does anyone know how i can a person whose name at birth was Sheri K. Long?

This is not a joke; i have been trying to find this person for some time. She was born in 1969. I have important medical information that she may have inherited. I have tried several search engines, with no results, so please do not suggest that i try those.

Additional Details

4 months ago
for her privacy, i am not stating where she was born or other such information. If she were to contact me, I can confirm that I do know that information.

Also, I am a direct blood relative. She grew up not knowing her birth mother, so this info is very important.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 months ago
for her privacy, i am not stating where she was born or other such information. If she were to contact me, I can confirm that I do know that information.

Also, I am a direct blood relative. She grew up not knowing her birth mother, so this info is very important.