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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can i find out about the difference in genetics of each ethnicity?


Where can i find out about the difference in genetics of each ethnicity?

i don't need to know about all the ethnicity in the world, just the genetics of a few...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: While physical characteristics between different races seem great enough for one to expect differences in genetics there is no evidence to support genetic difference between races. There is more genetic difference within a race than between races.

There are instances of certain genetic (allelic) traits dominant within particular ethnicities that contribute to disease. For instance, cicle-cell anemia occurs in those of African descent, while multiple schlerosis occurs in European descendents. Tay-Sachs disease is more common among Eastern European and Askenazi Jews, as well as certain French Canadians and Louisianan Cajuns. See the links below.