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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know the whereabouts of the Salyer family?


Does anyone know the whereabouts of the Salyer family?

My grandfather used to hold Salyer family reunions in Snyder Park in Springfield Ohio. He Passed away in 1988 and the book of addresses and phone #'s he had had been passed to other family members and noone seems to know who has it. I would like to start the family reunions up again. If anyone has any information I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Chelly,

There are TOO MANY Salyer family members in Springfield Ohio for the ZABASEARCH (an excellent search tool) to list. So, use the White pages. Also, use the internet reunion sites. And try the GENFORUM for Salyer, you will find cousins in that, maybe distant, but cousins.

This should get you going.