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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the last name Sklinar originate from?


Where does the last name Sklinar originate from?

I always wondered. Everytime I type it in it always asks if I mean's frustrating.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Rofl... maybe you should be listening to google.
One roadblock for new researchers to get past, is being hung up on the "correct" spelling. Especially with European names, they wound up being spelled differently when they came to the US. Research wise, what is more reliable, is finding a relationship or ancestor. I look for a variation anytime I run into a really rare name.
So.. heading to and their family files, there is one small family of Sklinar... John and wife Anna in Pennsylvania. Now, I tried the alternate spelling and found many many entries. The ones I really zoom in on, are ones that have a location elsewhere than the US, like this file..
This may or may not be a direct relative, but this variation comes ffrom Romania, and even seems to have the town.
Looking at the social security death index, I found a whopping 5 persons with Sklinar (females won't count since they are not by birth). Sklenar has 289.
Thus my wager is that which ever is your original Sklinar... his dad is a Sklenar. If you work back and can tie into the file posted, it looks like it has been well researched back.
If I can help more, drop me a note via my profile.