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Position:Home>Genealogy> I know a woman whose name is KARIN pronounced CORE-IN we are looking for the ori


I know a woman whose name is KARIN pronounced CORE-IN we are looking for the origin?

Pronunciation is CORE-IN, like Corrine. She is adopted and was named that by her birth mother. does anyone know the orgin of that name or was her mother just.....being different? Everyone tries to call her KAREN....which is not the pronuciation. Any help is most appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Usually it's pronounced "CAR-in". The baby name books will tell you that it comes from Greek, but it's usually seen in German families. Her mom might have had a reason for giving her that name (maybe it was her mother's name...dunno) or maybe she was just trying to give her a memorable name. Only she knows the answer.