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Where did David Lockhart come from?

He was born in Greenville S.C. 1820 died 1906. Who were his parents and where where they from ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If he's the same David Lockhart found on the 1880 census of Glassy Mountain, Greenville, SC then he and his parents were all born in SC. I'd search the Greenville area churches for his marriage record (many sources claim his wife was Mary Earl Polly McClure) and check with the Sons of the Confederacy to see if they have military service records on him.

There are also several claims that Robert was his father. If Robert lived in SC we should be able to find some record of him. I tried the census registers and they're not tremendously helpful. Not many Lockharts lived in SC during that era and at the time, the census was only concerned with enumerating the number of eligible voters, so the names of every member of the household wasn't listed. As a result, if Robert were living with his parents or in-laws at that time, he wouldn't show up. But I have to bet that he lived in Greenville if his son was born there and it's very possible that he shows up in the records of the Greenville Historic Society. They would be my next call....right after pulling all death certificates for David and any of his possible siblings, and pulling everyone's obituaries. This is a situation where you may need to triangulate to find the next clue to pursue.