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Position:Home>Genealogy> What are the names of the Marquis de Lafayette's descendants?


What are the names of the Marquis de Lafayette's descendants?

I know he had 2 daughters, but I can't even find their names. Did they marry and have children, and grandchildren, and . . .? Thanks for your answers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Tina,

The paper is too long to put here, but it describes his marriage and dates children were born.

1757, Sept. 6 Born, Chateau de Chavaniac, Auvergne, France

1768 Moved to Paris, France

1768-72 Attended College du Plessis, Paris, France

1771 Commissioned a lieutenant in the Royal Guard

1773 Moved to Versailles, France

1774 Married Marie Adrienne Francoise de Noailles
(died 1807)

1776 Volunteered to serve in the American army in the
War for American Independence

1777 Arrived in Charleston, S.C., and journeyed to
Philadelphia, Pa., seat of the Continental
Appointed to rank of major general in American
Daughter Anastasie, born

1779 Returned to France
Son George Washington, born

and it goes on...

Then the GENFORUM for Lafayette is quite good.