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Position:Home>Genealogy> How come that a man was born 1977 and died 1957 at the age of 25?


How come that a man was born 1977 and died 1957 at the age of 25?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The records of two different men were mistakenly combined. Happens all the time in online trees. I've seen a 57 year old mother credited with giving birth to her 7 grandchildren (the last born when she was nearly 70) in Canada in the early 1800s. The guy figured that the parents (Pierre and Genevieve) had to be the parents of all of the children because the parents were listed as Pierre and Genevieve. Forget that their oldest son also married a woman named Genevieve, who was 35 years younger than her mother-in-law. The tree was published in American Genealogist magazine and no one ever challenged it.