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Oh, it's most dreadful to ponder this...?

How is it one would find out if they were related to William Shakespeare, or Edgar Allen Poe? Their last name would not necessarily be the same, as last names have changed over time.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Poe never had children.

Shakespeare had three legitimate children:

Son Hamnet died of the plague at age 11.

Daughter Susanna...married Dr. John Hall and had one child, daughter Elizabeth Hall. Elizabeth married Thomas Nashe in 1629. They were married for just six years when in 1635 Thomas Nashe died. He was buried in the chancel of Holy Trinity Church next to Elizabeth's grandfather, William Shakespeare. Elizabeth married again. Her second marriage was to Sir John Bernard (1604 - 1674) and so Elizabeth received the title Lady Elizabeth Bernard. Although she inherited the family estate and was married twice Elizabeth had no children of her own.

Daughter Judith...married Richard Quiney. It was a very scandalous marriage (both were excommunicated for their marriage). Their children?

Shakespeare Quiney was born in Nov 1616. He died in infancy, aged 6 months, in May 1617.
Richard Quiney was born in Oct 1617. He died in Jan 1639 aged 21 (possibly of the plague).
Thomas Quiney was born in Jan 1619. He also died in Jan 1639, the same month as his brother, aged 19 (possibly of the plague). So none of the children of Judith survived to continue the Shakespeare line.

So his line also died out within a few generations.