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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a way to research information about my father's other children?


Is there a way to research information about my father's other children?

We are most certain my father has has other children in our city/state but unsure of how to going about finding out who they are....are they any websites that you know of that would allow us to search Marriage Records, Birth records, or anything else that may be helpful. We don't speak with my father anymore, but would like the opportunity to know any brothers/sisters and their children....thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Bsan,

Sorry for your father's ignorance of your feelings. There are sites that have surname participants. You could use ZABASEARCH for living people with a surname, or GENFORUM to talk with people having the same surname. The White pages might also help. Try some of these sites.

The adoption register might help, but not likely. On the Genforum site, where there is a Forum Finder that is blank, put in your surname.