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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can anyone help me find out the real name of my grandmother? She had a Scottish


Can anyone help me find out the real name of my grandmother? She had a Scottish nickname, Famey/Famie (Fay-me)

My grandmother is dead and I'm no longer in contact with my family. But I'm trying to remember what her full name was. As a child I knew her as Famey, or Famie, and I was told her full name quite a few times, but I've long forgotten it. It was a Scottish name and she lived in Glasgow.

If anyone knows what this name's a contraction for, it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know what it might have been short for, but I do know that you can find out if you pull your parents' marriage license. The full legal names of the parents of the bride and groom are listed there.