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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I trace my Scot Irish background to maybe find a coat of arms??


How can I trace my Scot Irish background to maybe find a coat of arms??

maybe a website...that doesn't cost...thanks~!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Back to tracing your Scotch Irish background. First things first, it's Scot. Who happened at some time to live in Ireland. You begin the usual way, at home, asking parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles all you can learn of your recent ancestry as far back as you can. Get dates and places of births deaths and marriages. Ask for copies if they'll allow you, to keep in orderly files for research. You may not ever get to go back - floods and fires and mice happen!

Speaking of that, the best backup for family tree software is online, or, and it's free, all nicely stored on their servers for your retrieval is case of hard drive disaster!