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Position:Home>Dancing> What is the best age to start using Pointe shoes?

Question: What is the best age to start using Pointe shoes!?
i was just wondering what age would be the best to start using pointe shoes!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends on how much you train and how hard!. Some girls go en pointe at 9 which isn't good because their feet aren't done growing!. This makes the feet deformed!. I think around the age of 14 is good!. Not too old, but not too young!.

Hope this helps, have a nice day!!


You need to have at least four years of ballet training before you can go en pointe!. But--indefinitely, it depends on the person!. Someone could start ballet and do it for one year, but be more ready for pointe than someone who has been doing it for three years!. First, your ankles have to be insanely strong!. Your turnout needs to be solid, and your arch needs to be in line with your ankle!. If not, you could hurt yourself en pointe, and you won't be able to stand on your box!. The reccomended age is usually from 11-14 years of age!. But again, it depends on the person, and the teacher's reccomendations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You shouldn't just start using pointe shoes!. A good ballet teacher would know this and help you get ready!. You need to have had several years of ballet, and you need to have built up the strength and dexterity of your feet!. And, finally, you need to be physically ready!. Being too young can really hurt your body: kids have a differently shaped bodies than adults!. Think about toddlers--they have fat bellies and swayed backs!. If you're, say, nine, you probably don't look like that!. But growing is a slow progression!. Part of that body type may still be hanging around!. also, your feet are growing when you're young!. Wearing pointe shoes too young can adversely affect the way your feet grow!. Bones have something called growth plates and smushing them can actually prevent your feet from growing!. Obviously, that doesn't sound all that bad!. Who wants big feet!? But it can give you a lot of pain later in life if you screw up your feet now!.

That being said, I'd say that generally twelve or thirteen is a good time to begin!. Maybe a little younger or a little older!. You should have at least three years of ballet experience!. You should be pretty close to your adult height, because that's a fair indicator your feet are fully developed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the best age to start is 12 as your ankles should be strong enough but it really depends, if your ankles are still weak you really need to work hard to build the strength before you go on pointe as it is dangerous!. But by fourteen you should definitely be able to start pointe if u have trained in ballet since a young ageWww@QuestionHome@Com

heyy this is a completely normal question!! i started using pointe shoes at 12 but most girls start at 11 depending how strong your ankles are!! ask a teacher who has been teaching you for a while and is experienced to help you decide when you will be ready!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it all depends on stregnth, and training, if you have stronge ankles and you have good training then 10/12 could be a good age!. I got my pointe shoes at 10!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

12/13 because any younger then that, the bones in your feet deform!. at my dance studio we need at least 5 yrs ballet and an evaluation to get on!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on how strong your ankles are and how much training you've had!. I went on pointe at 11/12!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would say about 19 but even when your younger but it all depends on ur scheduleWww@QuestionHome@Com