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Position:Home>Dancing> Toprock question for breaking?

Question: Toprock question for breaking!?
Toprocking is just based on the Indian step and so right
You just keep practicing that and you can make it your own style correct!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes ur right!!!!

first u learn the basic movements of toprock!.!.

then when u learn all of it, u can mix the moves together to make it ur own style!!!!!! you can add lil taste for ur own toprock!.!.

you cant just copy someone toprock, u have to be original!.!.

i hope this helps =D

I am not a breaker!. But I would say with any kind of dance you can make things your own!!

best of luck to you!. Www@QuestionHome@Com