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Position:Home>Dancing> My boyfriend can't dance, what to do?

Question:ok so my bf and I are going to a formal dance at my school and he doesnt know how to dance. I want to dance with him but I don't really know either so I dont really wanna stand around the whole time talking lol

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok so my bf and I are going to a formal dance at my school and he doesnt know how to dance. I want to dance with him but I don't really know either so I dont really wanna stand around the whole time talking lol

Haha i've been in this boat before. It really helps to practice with him... whether you in a room at your place or in your backyard it really helps. My boyfriend had this problem as to where he had a hard time finding the beat in the music and he was completely off but it really helped to help him out... teach him!!

Hell dance on him to show him 'ok this is what i'm gonna do...' and show him how to hold his own! :D

good luck!

why dont you tell him and have a conversation, hell understand or teach him!

haha. this sounds familiar. if you have time, try taking a class somewhere with him. they are more fun than they sound. If you have to go soon, have someone who knows how to dance help you guys out and teach you some steps. Or go to a website that demonstrates the type of dancing you need and learn some moves. have fun!

Why don't you just teach him? If you're any good at dancing teach him some basic steps and he'll catch on quick. I had to teach my boyfriend how to dance before our thing at school, so I taught him a few steps and gave him a kiss whenever he mastered one ;]
Trust me; it works.

teach him some moves..