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Position:Home>Dancing> Is Argentine Tango dancing addictive?

Question:We had to start up our own dances so we could get our fix.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We had to start up our own dances so we could get our fix.

Si! (Yes!!!!)

I spent part of last yr in Buenos Aires on a language immersion program & got soooooo into tango dancing while
I was there!!! I went to milongas (dance halls where they do the tango) as often as I could & then found a pilates studio there that did "tangolates" (pilates to tango music) for the days when I couldn't get my tango fix. Now that I'm back home in LA I miss it like crazy, and it's such a bummer that most of the milongas here are <21!!! (I'm 16). It's more addictive than dulce de leche!!!

A lady named Marina Palmer actually got so into tango dancing that she quit her job in NYC & moved to BA to take up the tango! She wrote a book called "Kiss & Tango" & when I was in BA I met ppl working on the movie they're making out of it. I'm pasting the link below for you to check out.

Por una cabeza is actually the ring tone for my cell because I fell so in love w the tango!!!

Here are a few tango scenes for you:
: )


Oh yes!

It is but I think all ballroom is addictive. Salsa is my favourite.