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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you have to be physically strong to be able to do freezes in breakdancing?

Question:I was just wondering, since I'm a girl.. =T . I don't have much strength to hold myself up.

Unless freezes don't require strength.

Can someone help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was just wondering, since I'm a girl.. =T . I don't have much strength to hold myself up.

Unless freezes don't require strength.

Can someone help?

You do need more upper body strength to do effective freezes. Baby freezes don't need that much strength but more balance.

Work on your arms and your abs, gain strength, understand your body more and you're on your way to becoming a b-girl.

if you want to do good looking and advanced freezes, yes. shoulder freezes dont take much strength try those out first