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Position:Home>Dancing> SPICE GIRL FANS == Do you know the Spanish Lyrics to "If you cant Dance?&qu

Question:I tried lookin them up, but all it says is [spanish rap] does anyone have them or know them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I tried lookin them up, but all it says is [spanish rap] does anyone have them or know them?

You're looking for the lyrics to the spanish rap, if so here they are:

Hey macho
Te vi el otro dia
Me dio mucha, mucha alegria
Eschucha la musica Ay, madre mia
Hey chico, tu no tienes nada
Que susto, que polla, que tieso
Oh, no, me toques
Ay, que me lo follo Venga, venga, marcha salida
Toma esta musica, me encanta deprisa
Cuidado, cuidado, que chico, que loca,
Toma mi ritmo Me voy contigo, Hey macho te quiero
Quiero un hombre, necesito, si pero no tu nombre
Hey macho, Hey macho
Si no bailas esto no puedes nada conmigo.

no i dont