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Position:Home>Dancing> Is fourteen too late to become a pro ballet dancer?! PLEASE ANWSER MY QUESTION?

Question:iv jus started ballet around 2 months ago and im on grade 2 , i really love it . my teacher says im doing really good and i am going to do be doing my assment soon which half the exam but i think it quite good because some people are only taking that and they have been there quite a long time.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: iv jus started ballet around 2 months ago and im on grade 2 , i really love it . my teacher says im doing really good and i am going to do be doing my assment soon which half the exam but i think it quite good because some people are only taking that and they have been there quite a long time.

No fourteen is not too late at all and you have done really well too get that far in 2 months. I am in The Royal Ballet and I can give you advice on getting into The Royal Ballet.

Contact me if needs be.



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  • xlydiab's Avatar by xlydiab
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  • no i dont think fourteen is too late! as long as you feel you are as good as others who have been there longer. it sounds like you pick it up quick - you're a natural. you shouldn't have any problems.

    but are you sure you want to be a pro ballet dancer? if you have only been doing ballet for two months you cannot know for sure. it is good to be ambitious though and have a target. keep trying and you will get there! =)

    no. you just have to look at class differently and approach it as professionally as you can. take as many ballet classes you can and work extremely hard.

    if you want something that bad, then you will get it!
    you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time


    I would think tht 14 is too old as you need to begin to ballet dance at a very early age. Your muscles are supple when you are young and it is easier to do the things necessary for ballet dancing at a very early age.

    14 is not to late cause i started cheer leading in 8TH grade and i that it was to late to. But good luck

    Wasn't too late for Darcy Bussel, but you are going to have to bust a gut.

    i dont think it's too late but you are going to be behind at first.
    If you really love it and have a passion for it [ which it sounds like you do ] then I think you can do it.

    Good luck =]

    Also it sounds like you might actually be rushing.
    Did you take your grade one exam or did you just skip it? I have been dancing since I was three and I am only on grade four [ i am 13 now ] so as you can see I didnt rush things but I also got highly commended on all my exams because I took the time to learn all of the stuff and memorize all of the theory. So I think maybe you should concentrate more on making sure you have your material right rather than just trying to speed through it, even if you are behind at first. You will be glad you did in the long run.