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Question:What can I do to become hyperflexible?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What can I do to become hyperflexible?

Basically, you need to just keep working on stretching.

When you stretch, go down as far as you feel comfortable and then push a little further and HOLD IT.
I also like to do something my teacher calls the 'wall stretch'
you lay down and put your butt against the wall and then put your legs out to the sides on the wall. hold it there for a minute or two and then push your legs down a little further and hold it for another thirty seconds. [ i hope that made sense i dont know how else to explain it ha ]

well hope i helped good luck :)

Well, to become strong, ballet works wonders.

It strengthens you SO much.
So, if I were you, I'd start with ballet. :)
Eventually go to en pointe!

I'm a dancer and I had a problem with flexebilty too the only thing u can really do is stretch! You should warm up before stretching too to warm up the muscles, just stretch everyday twice a day.


yoga or gymnastics