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Position:Home>Dancing> I want to go ballroom dancing, but my feet are too big, is there any way to shri

Question:I heard in china they break womens feet to make them small, does this work?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I heard in china they break womens feet to make them small, does this work?

The size of your feet shouldn't matter for ballroom at all. If you're still growing it is actually quite normal that your feet grow first and then your body catches up.

Whatever you have heard about making feet smaller refers to old times in China. Probably 100 years ago or more. It was done by wrapping the foot in very tight bandages before it had a chance to grow. The foot ended up terribly deformed, it was so bad that women who had done it had difficult time walking.

It doesnt matter if you have big feet!! You can still dance and it might even be a benefit! DO NOT break your feet to shrink them! ITS A BUNCH OF LIES! Just be happy with yourself and remember that you will even out soon (if your going through puberty)

BE SERIOUS. They footbind women's feet in infancy and its HORRIBLE. The toes literally flip under the arch of the foot...sideways. Don't be ridiculous, I hope you're kidding with this question. Just go dance for God's sake.

I just looked at the rest of your questions...go square dance with your neighbor who shot your goat. Good Lord.