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Position:Home>Dancing> Why does pointe stunt your growth?

Question:I have never heard anything about pointe stunting your growth. It may be that if you start when you are too young then you damage your growth plates, and that would stunt it? I have never heard anything like that though.

I am en pointe and I am five foot nine!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have never heard anything about pointe stunting your growth. It may be that if you start when you are too young then you damage your growth plates, and that would stunt it? I have never heard anything like that though.

I am en pointe and I am five foot nine!

It does? Really? i can't believe that. I'm quite tall and have done pointe for many years. Maybe the growth of your toenails, but I can't say it would for anything else.

pointe won't stunt your might if you are ten or under because your bones are still developing and aren't strong enough

it won't stunt your overall growth. It'll only stunt the bones in your feet if your too young when you start.

what are you talking about? i've done pointe for 3 years and have grown 2 inches!

Dido to what everyone else said about starting to young. But Ballet and yoga actually lengthen your body!! It's very common for people to get an inch or two taller if they start ballet or yoga and do it religiously!

I've been doing ballet for 10 years (4 en pointe) and i've been growing just fine...i don't think it can stunt your growth except if you start too young.

No it doesnt thats rubbish
whoever said that is stupid
think about it pointe shoes only affect ur feet not your body