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Question:How long does it take from when you start ballet until you can do toe?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How long does it take from when you start ballet until you can do toe?

It depends on the age you start, and your strength and technique. Generally, you cannot go on pointe until age 11 or 12 because before then your growth plates are still growing, and you could permanently damage yourself.

On the other hand, if you are starting at a later age, and have the strength, range of motion and sound technique it could take less time, even as little as a year.

The important thing though is to NEVER get pointe shoes without your teacher's permission. If you go on pointe before you are ready, you can seriously injure yourself. It can be frustrating, but waiting a bit is better than hurting yourself and having to stop dance altogether.

Good luck!

it can take 2-3 years, it can take several years, it all depends on your progress through ballet, how you strengthen, etc.

it took me 4 years but it depends on like how old you are im 14 and i started point this year it is so much fun but if you start to early you can relly **** yourself up. if you do go on point carful dont try to go on b4 you are done growing or you will **** yourself up

it can take any amount of time to go en pointe. it all depends on your skill level (talent) and your dance studios opinion on when you should start. but it is best for younger kids not to start too early because it could cause permanent damage.

Depends on strength. Like if you start off really good, immeadiet moving upward. If it takes a long time to, just means you've really improved, either's fun! Just build more strength, and wait!

It depends really. You usually start pointe shoes at 11+, i started doing ballet when i was 5 and did pointe shoes in 11. But you could start earlier if your ankles are strong enough. Well, good luck and do your best! :D

It all depends on the strength of your ankles, legs and feet. Also your ability to keep up in class/ know what your doing. If you started dance really young (3 years old-ish) You can probably start around the age 12 or 13. If you've just started dance a few years ago and you are 12 or 13, it will be a few more years. It's all worth the hard work and wait for it though, Pointe is one of my favorites and I miss it sooo much since i have been unable to dance for 3 years now. (I'm 18) It also depends on if your teacher feels that you are ready for the next step up. So really, it doesn't hurt to ask where you stand and what you might want to really work on. Good luck and have fun!

it depends on how quickly you learn, when you start, and how developed your bones are. for example, I started ballet when I was 4 and went on pointe when I was 11, because when I was 11 my bones were strong enough and my technique was good. 10,11,12,or 13 is about the age for starting, if you starting at one if those ages or older you will probable be a little older when you start, it will all depend on your teacher and when she thinks you're ready. my friend started at 12 and went en point at 13 so it depends.

i started 4yrs. old but now i'definitely 13 for me its 9

well at my ballet studio we get on pointe when we are in 6th grade but it depends if you were held back or moved up. and ive done ballet since i was 2 1/2