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Question:Stand In The Rain song by SuperChick

yeah well i've been asked to perform a dance for my church, my youthgroup, and our fellowship dinner.
Ive been dancing for 11 years now and stuff..

but anyone have any ideas of different leaps, jumps, turns or kicks that might 'spice it up'


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Stand In The Rain song by SuperChick

yeah well i've been asked to perform a dance for my church, my youthgroup, and our fellowship dinner.
Ive been dancing for 11 years now and stuff..

but anyone have any ideas of different leaps, jumps, turns or kicks that might 'spice it up'


fan kick
illusions, axels, fouettes, second turns, pirouettes
leaps- front, side, back, switch, calypso
make the choreography really move across the stage

jetes, feauttes (sp?) stags stag turns. . .