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Question:I have a dance competition today in 4 hours and I am extremely nervous. I am doing my solo. I need some tips on how to calm down and just relax. Pleas help me. :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a dance competition today in 4 hours and I am extremely nervous. I am doing my solo. I need some tips on how to calm down and just relax. Pleas help me. :)

I have a competition tonight too =]

Well I have been doing solos for like 6 years now so i don't get super nervous anymore but what I do is just keep going over my dance or if there is a particular step I am worried about I go and practice it.

My dance teacher also told me to keep the song I dance to on and while I'm listening to it go over the dance in my head.

There isn't really a way to not be nervous, and it will probably get a little worse once you get there but after you get on stage you will be fine and all the nerves go away.

Well hope i helped a little bit. Good luck tonight. =]

Have a cup of tea and try to get your mind on something else.

meditate or bach's rescue remedy.

eat some bananas, the potasium helps calm you

drink some hot tea and make yourself imagine there is no one watching you.

take 3 deep breaths, and exhale slowly.

just breath

try to keep your mind off things. if you over practice then you'll just get more nervous. when you're dancing just try to look as far back as u can. once you do your first performance, the other one will be easier. just think happy thoughts.

Take some deep breaths, and try not to think about it. If your good at what you do, what is there to be nervous about?

you can do it! if you have a solo you have to be confident that they gave it to you because you deserve it and your good at what you do. SO BE CONFIDENT! your going to do awesome =]

and if you get stage frieght just pretend its your family and friends! thats what I always do =] and it works!

picture the audience in their underwear, oh wait is that for speeches, what ever the case try to concentrate on your routine and be yourself. break a leg

Well first of all good luck! I always jumped up and down or i listen to music especially songs that pump me up!

Sit back and do some stretches, and think of something beautiful and the way your pic and question is adorable.

Just take a deep breath and relax ~ *

Good luck to you . ~_^*