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Position:Home>Dancing> I've had very little dancing experience; is there a way to get on the fast-t

Question:I could take a bunch of classes and everything, and I'm pretty dedicated when I get into something [and I've wanted to do ballet en point for a while now].

So, is it possible to learn everything there is about ballet in one year then start up with pointe the next? I know that I'll have to meet up with a teacher or something beforehand, but could I make it work?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I could take a bunch of classes and everything, and I'm pretty dedicated when I get into something [and I've wanted to do ballet en point for a while now].

So, is it possible to learn everything there is about ballet in one year then start up with pointe the next? I know that I'll have to meet up with a teacher or something beforehand, but could I make it work?


Ballet requires a strong physically fit body...
you need to have strong toes and feet.. expecially en pointe because basically all your weight is on your toes..

Firstly.. if you really want to start pointe ASAP! Go for it.. most dancers take up too 1-4 years to start pointe..
It all depends on your feet..
Try enrolling in strength and flexibility classes.. strengethen up them feet and toes.. the more stronger they are the quicker you can start Pointe !!

Secondly.. It sounds like your physically fit already!! So no need to worryy!

Next, you need too start ballet lessons.. try and ask for your age group.. or go to an open class.. tell your instructor that u have had experience in other fields your dancing in..
Technique.. you need technique to dance en pointe,, take evrything you learn from class to home.. that way you'll have it mastered by next lessons.,,

How much lessons you do a week depends on your time..
if your basically free then try fit dancing in 5 days a week.. this way you'll master all the routines in no time..!!
If your free a couple of days a week.. maybe 1-3 then enroll in.. but make sure your constantly practising..
As they say PRACTICE makes perrfecttt!! = ]

Lastly.. don't be discouraged wat people say.. if your devoted you can do anything.. make getting n pointe your goal.. work towards it each day.. and before you know it you'll be pointeing away!! that rhymes!!

I hope this helped!!

As said practice makes perfect. If you really put your soul in it. (and you have a little talent) you should be able to get on pointe pretty soon.

Get to a good studio and take classes. Just once a week wouldn't be enough. You'll have to take as many classes as you can afford. And it surely also depends on you as a person and the strenght of your body.
Some people never make it to pointe because of physical problems. Just make sure you get a medical check, and practice, practice, practice!

you know you just can't do like 5 lessions and go on point i have been doing ballet sints i was 5 years old 5 days a week and it took me at least 8 years till i was aloud on point plus i don't think it would work if you don't have much experience i am very dedicated to but a teacher (if they are a good teacher ) would say you would need at least 3 years of ballet because you could really hurt your toes because really peoples toes are not ready till you are 21 yr old!! but most people start earliy so my advice i would wait 2 years before getting your point shoes!!

you could try and it will take a lot of work because a lot of people who are very dedicated to ballet took 12 years to be en pointe . give it a shot and don't forget to practice

It all depends on how you go. Ballet requires lots of technique, dedication and strength. It takes a bit of work trying to learn the names to all the exercises, and even more work to learn how to do them correctly. If you are really dedicated and love what you do, you could go far. I'm 13 and have been doing RAD ballet for 10 years and I've just gone en pointe. Lots of teachers would not let you go en pointe with one year of ballet, but all the best whatever you do!
Have fun and good luck!

Listen, many ballet dancers are eager to get en pointe, and fast, but the truth is, if anybody attempts without building the proper muscles and technique, you WILL hurt yourself. Obviously, the human body is not made to walk on its toes. In order to sustain yourself without damaging your feet/ankles/knees/hips, you're going to need to develop muscles that you've never heard of before. You're going to need to know what you're doing before you even try on your first pair of shoes.

If I were you, I would take at LEAST two years of consecutive ballet, just because you've had dance experience before. BUT before you do anything, you have to ask your teacher. Unless your teacher gives you permission to start pointe, it is the worst thing to even try, because dance stores won't even sell you pointe shoes unless you have teacher approval and you give the store the name of your studio.

Again, you also need to be doing ballet at least twice a week, 2 hours per class. At least.

Please don't injure yourself, and best of luck.