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Position:Home>Dancing> Can anyone give me dance sites or ideas?

Question:My school is entering a dance competition and so far, we have lots of things but there are some gaps in the song that we haven't filled and none of us can think what to do. We need the dance finished ASAP but the competition is in two weeks (exactly 14 days from now). I can usually think of moves well but the songs we're doing just doesn't spark my mind. So can anyone give me sites or ideas of anything that can help so we can add more dances?

PS: We're doing a hip-hop dance with the songs Shawty Get Loose and Elevator

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My school is entering a dance competition and so far, we have lots of things but there are some gaps in the song that we haven't filled and none of us can think what to do. We need the dance finished ASAP but the competition is in two weeks (exactly 14 days from now). I can usually think of moves well but the songs we're doing just doesn't spark my mind. So can anyone give me sites or ideas of anything that can help so we can add more dances?

PS: We're doing a hip-hop dance with the songs Shawty Get Loose and Elevator

go to and watch some of the teams. do not steal their choreography though, that is wrong. just simply try to form moves off of theirs. hope this helps. :)

You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in and you shake it all about, you do the hokey pokey, and then you sing and shout.... that's what it's all about.

stealing someone Else's work is wrong. if you want a new move then turn on the song and do the moves you already have. sooner or later something will come up.

try youtube..they usually have choreography to learn