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Position:Home>Dancing> Dancing or Acting???

Question:I have been dancing forever, same with acting. I do want to get a career in acting, but I do not want to pursue dance (I love it though I do not want to stop). I want to take some more acting classes, but this one interferes with this one dance class (which I have tried to drop before, but my teacher said the class wasn't the same without me and that she wanted me back in it).

What should I do? Stay in that dance class, or take acting and possibly hurt my teacher's feelings?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been dancing forever, same with acting. I do want to get a career in acting, but I do not want to pursue dance (I love it though I do not want to stop). I want to take some more acting classes, but this one interferes with this one dance class (which I have tried to drop before, but my teacher said the class wasn't the same without me and that she wanted me back in it).

What should I do? Stay in that dance class, or take acting and possibly hurt my teacher's feelings?

Hmm I agree with the others, you have to do what you want and not what your teacher wants. Also remember that acting is what you want to pursue, not dancing. So what will benefit you in the end? The acting class or the dance class? I was actually thinking about this earlier, and there is only a small time period in which you can be a dancer until your body has had enough. But acting is a life long career. I would personally rather do something that lasts a lifetime, not that lasts for about a decade or so.


Go with what you really want to do. Your teacher should not take it personally if you leave if you are leaving to do something you feel called to do.

Go with your feelings and tell your dance teacher what you are doing and why - if she's a good teacher, she'll understand.
When the acting class term is finished, you can always go back to the dance class.
It's not selfish to put your own interests first. You cannot make anyone else happy if you are not happy first.

follow your heart

What are you really more talented at? Don't tell me equal, will not believe it. I would advise going with the one that offers the best future for you.

neither. do karate. it's more beneficial in the future and the world is a dangerous place. you never know when throwing an elbow can save ur life.

i would rather do acting it has been my life long passion but my mum said no so i am stuck with dancing(ballet)
so do what you want to do not what Ur mum tells you because i am a really unhappy person because of it so you make a choice i have nothing against dancing but me after 10 years 5 times a week minimmum of 4 hours a day yea i am a little sick of it oh well!!

you enjoy it more....
and you can also dance when you act!

if your teacher is a decent person she will understand.

and you can always help out at your dance school!